  What are predators and how can their impact be measured?  
  Describe the importance of and techniques for predation studies.  

Many predators attack and feed on insect prey species. It has been difficult to determine which prey species a certain predator attacks, and how many prey individuals a predator kills. With new techniques such as:
  prey labeling
the qualitative aspect of determining trophic relationships in natural enemy complexes is now simple. However, the techniques are relatively expensive.

Measuring predation
  Simple predation studies can be accomplished using greenhouses and field cages. These are used to enclose selected predators and potential prey together for observation.

greenhouse field cages
Observe and measure predation by using these techniques. It is important to know how much each predator species contributes to the biological control of pests.
Field Observations
Time-consuming field observations of predatory habit can also reveal something about the importance of predators in pest control.
Man conducting field observation.
Next lesson
  In the next lesson, we will determine the major rice field predators.