
This early mid-season cultivar variety, type originates from the Philippines where it is grown on a large scale for both local consumption and export. Since the seed is polyembryonic mode for reproduction: contains more than one embryo; produces true-to-type progeny, propagation is easily done.

The medium-sized oblong longer than broad to elongated longer than it is broad and light green to yellow fruits are blushed with few small green dots (lenticels); the base is rounded to slightly flattened. The average dimensions are 13 cm long by 7.5 cm wide with weight ranging between 220 and 311 g. The skin is thin and medium-tough. The flesh is tender and melting with only a few fibres, lemon yellow, spicy and sweet with good to excellent eating quality. The fruits are produced in clusters.

The tree is vigorous, forming a large and dense canopy crown of a plant. It is a medium to heavy bearer but may alternate. Very good resistance to diseases has been recorded.

