This seedling originated from Bradenton in Florida and was released in 1954. Of unknown parentage, it resembles Haden but lacks the latter’s bright red colour.
The fruit is medium to large with an average length of 10.8 cm and a width of 8.5 cm. The average weight is 470 g (range: 380–560 g). The shape is oblong longer than broad to ovate and tends to be plump; the basic colour is light yellow with a pink/red blush; lenticels are distinct and numerous. The fruits are often borne in clusters. The yellow juicy flesh is relatively free from fibres, moderately sweet with a good flavour. The medium-sized stone (7.5% of fruit weight) covers the mono-embryonic mode of reproduction: contains only one embryo seed.
The tree is vigorous with a slightly open habit and there is a remarkable resistance to anthracnose and powdery mildew. Yields are satisfactory and quite regular.
A very promising new cultivar variety, type in Kenya. Since the fruits have a very long storage life, are harvested in late mid-season and are of good quality, planting this cultivar should be encouraged.