Planting the rice







The importance of planting high quality seed








Describe what high quality seed is and its benefits





What is 'high quality' seed?


Seeds of high quality are of one variety only and has high percentages for vigor and germination.


Selecting high quality seed



High quality seeds should be free from seed borne disease, weed seeds, red kernels and other impurities like sand, stones, straw, etc. They should also be free from mechanical injury that might reduce germination and seedling vigor.


Damaged, deformed and diseased seed








How can the quality of seed be described?


The main criteria for describing seed quality are

  • purity,

  • percentage of seeds that germinate, and

  • vigor with which they germinate.



1. Purity refers to genetic or varietal purity.


High quality seed should be pure (left),

not a mix of different kinds of rice seed (right)


It is also a measure of the degree to which seed is free of seeds from weeds (other crops or species) and inert material (stones, dirt, or twigs).


Seed with impurities (left) and without impurities (right)


Click on the icon to learn how you can test seed purity.


Testing purity



2. Germination percentage expresses the proportion of the total number of seeds that are alive. It is determined through controlled tests and actual counts of the number of seeds that germinate.  

Click on the icon to see how you can test seed germination.

Testing germination



3. Seed vigor is an important factor that may explain the causes of poor seedling establishment. Seeds low in vigor generally produce weak seedlings that are susceptible to environmental stresses. Seeds high in vigor generally provide for early and uniform stands that give seedlings an advantage against environmental stresses. Seed size, plumpness and/or fullness indicate that the seed has potential to produce vigorous seedlings under favorable conditions.  










Click on the numbers!


What are the advantages of planting good quality seed?





Good  seed = good yield


To get high yield, plant high quality seed!


Remember:The yield of a paddy field can increase with 5 to 20% just by using good quality seed instead of low quality seed!





Click here if you want to see how to produce and store your own seed. (= Lesson 4 of Post Production: Storage)

Click here to see how hybrid rice seed is produced


Next lesson


Not only should you use high quality seed, also the environmental conditions should be right to get proper plant establishment.