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This is one of the rice production training modules produced by the International Rice Research Institute. This module is  available in two formats - with and without audio.

If your computer does not have the audio capability (sound card and speakers) simply click the [without audio] button below to view the first slide. Click the [Next] button on the right of each slide to advance through the module. Accompanying notes are provided below each slide. 

If your computer has audio capability, click  the [with audio] button below. Click the specific topic you want to start with and click the Play button [ ] to start the presentation.

You will also need to install a Flash Player in your computer to view the pages.

To install the Flash Player for Netscape Navigator, click here.
To install the Flash Player for Internet Explorer, click here.


with audio

without audio


This site is best viewed with Netscape 4.x or Internet Explorer 4.x.  An 1024 x 768 screen resolution with the window maximized is recommended.