Direct seedingDirect seeded crops require less labor and tend to mature faster than transplanted crops. In this method, plants are not subjected to stresses such as being pulled from the soil and re-establishing fine rootlets. However, they have more competition from weeds. Depending on the land preparation method used, direct seeding can be done in two ways: Dry direct seedingThis method is usually practiced for rainfed and deepwater ecosystems. Farmers sow onto dry soil surface, then incorporates the seed either by plowing or harrowing.
Precision equipment, such as the Turbo Happy Seeder, can be used to drill seeds. Drill 80−100 kg of seeds per ha. Seeds are placed by the machine into both dry and moist soil, and then irrigated. A smooth, level seedbed is necessary to ensure that seeds are not planted at depths greater than 10−15 mm. In this technique, fertilizers can be applied at the same time as the seed. Manual weeding also is easier in machine-drilled crops than in broadcast crops.
Dibbling or hill planting is usually practiced along mountain slopes or where plowing and harrowing are difficult.
Wet direct seedingIn wet fields, direct seeding can be done either through broadcasting or drilling seeds into the mud with a drum seeder.
Broadcast 80−100 kg per ha of pre-germinated seeds to recently drained, well-puddled seedbeds or into shallow standing water. If water in the field is muddy, allow 1−2 days for it to dry before broadcasting. If water is drained from the fields after broadcasting, seeds are re-introduced 10−15 days after first seeding.
Drum seeders are used for fast planting. It operates best on a well-leveled, smooth, and wet seedbed. However, seeders may be clogged if the soil is sticky or if the machine is poorly designed. Prepare 80 kg of pre-germinated seeds per ha.
Direct seeded rice have more competition from weeds. Weeds can be controlled through the following: