How to prepare the seedlings for transplantingPrior to transplanting, seedlings need to be raised in a nursery. Seedling nurseries usually use 5−10% of the total farming area. When choosing the appropriate nursing system, consider the availability of sunlight, water, labor, land, and agricultural implements. Wet-bedUse this method in areas with sufficient water supply. Allot 1/10 of the field for the seed bed area, and prepare 40 kg of seed to transplant 1 ha of land.
Dry-bedPrepare the nursery in dry soil conditions. Ensure that the site is free of shade and has access to irrigation facilities. Allot 1/10 of the field for the seed bed area, and prepare 60−80 kg of seed to transplant 1 ha of land.
Seedlings raised in dry-bed are short, strong, and has a longer root system than those raised in wet-beds.
DapogDapog or mat method is most appropriate for growing short duration varieties, as seedlings experience less transplanting shock. Compared to other methods, this requires less labor, and has minimal root damage. Prepare dapog nurseries where a flat firm surface is available and water supply is very reliable. Allot 100 m2/ha or 1% of the field for the seedbed, and prepare 40−50 kg of seed per ha.
Modified mat nurseryThe modified mat nursery uses less land and requires fewer seeds and inputs (i.e., fertilizer and water). Allot 100 m2/ha for the seedbed, and prepare 18−25 kg of good quality seeds.
Bubble tray nursery
The bubble tray nursery follows the modified mat system to develop seedlings with root balls. Seedlings raised on bubble trays experience less transplanting shock. At 12−15 days old, seedlings are broadcast in the field. To do this:
Fact sheet: How to prepare the modified mat nursery
Read: How to control weeds in the nursery How to prepare seedlings for mechanical transplanting Mechanical transplanters have built-in trays or seedling boxes. Grow seedlings on a thin layer of soil in 30 cm x 60 cm trays per seedling box. In some instances, seedlings are grown on larger areas and then cut into rectangular strips (mats of seedlings) that fit into the planting trays of the transplanter.