Stale seedbed technique

Emerging weedsStale seedbed technique is most appropriate to reduce the weed seed bank in the soil.

In this technique, weeds are allowed to emerge for at least 2 weeks before being killed. 

To do this:

  1. Perform tillage operations. Plow, harrow, and level the field.
  2. Stimulate weed emergence by light irrigation or after rainfall.
    Give one irrigation at least 2 weeks before sowing. Maintain enough soil moisture to allow weeds to germinate.
  3. Kill the emerged seedlings using non-selective herbicides (e.g., glyphosate) or light cultivation.
  4. If the soil condition is suitable for sowing, plant the crop without further tillage operations. Tillage could bring more weed seeds near the soil surface, thus promoting weed germination.

Remember: Weeds must be actively growing at the time of post-emergence herbicide application. Different types of weed emerge at different times.

Go to web app: Weed Identification Tool