Creating extension materialsWhat are extension materials?Extension materials aim at communicating a simple message to motivate the target group (for example, rice farmers) to change the way they do something. Extension materials can be verbal communications, bulletins/brochures, posters, radio dramas or videos. Why develop extension materials?Farmers adopt an alternative technology when they 1) are aware of it, 2) understand it and 3) are motivated to try the alternative and try it correctly. Extension materials therefore need to raise awareness and communicate: 1) the benefits of the technology and 2) how to correctly apply the technology. How to develop extension material?Extension materials need to motivate people to change what they do. When considering change, farmers will usually try a technology in just part of their field. Once they are convinced of the benefits, they will typically adopt the technology more widely. Six steps to developing extension materialAfter you have identified a problem and decided on and/or developed an appropriate technology you:
Example of a technology analysis
Developed with input from: MA Bell, KL Heong, M Escalada, JF Rickman, J Lapitan, V Balasubramanian, G Claessens, and A Barclay |