Module 1
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Lesson 1
  Principles of AWD  

bulletUnderstand the principles of AWD as a water saving technology


Understanding the stages of plant growth critical to water stress enables the farmer to prioritize the delivery and application of irrigation water in the rice field. The growth stages as discussed in Module3 Lesson3 that are critical to water stress are early vegetative stage (especially after transplanting to recovery period) and reproductive stage (flowering).

To review, click on the critical stages of the rice plant below:

stages of rice growth













As discussed in module 2 lesson 2, the capillary water is available to the plant. Capillary water occurs when perched water level is from 0-20 cm below soil surface of the ricefield. The perched water level can be observed using the field water tube. The field water tube is a simple tool that helps farmers see the "hidden" source of water and gives them confidence that water is still available for crop use. The number of days before the next irrigation can vary depending on hydrology of the field, soil texture, weather and crop stage. As a simple tool, the field water tube eliminates the complexities of the varying hydrological and soil conditions of the field.


Click here to view the graphical representation of AWD in relation to growth stages and how the field water tube helps in AWD implementation.


Activities/ Readings/ Journal

With your fellow farmers or extension workers, discuss how will AWD help save water. Write your discussions in your journal.


Next Lesson

Now that you understand the principles of AWD, we can now proceed on the practical implementation of AWD in your ricefields.

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