Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) is a water-saving technology that farmers can apply to reduce their irrigation water use in rice fields without any yield penalty.
With the growing cost of diesel, petrol, kerosene to power irrigation pumps and growing attention to utilize surface water for irrigation in South Asia, energy efficient Axial Flow Pumps are a good economic alternative to traditional centrifugal pumps. This factsheet presents the benefits and the specifications for the pump.
Applying the right fertilizer, at the right time, in the right quantity with the right method is essential for attaining maximum yields. This factsheet explains the importance of balanced nutrition.
Chemical weed control is an option to control weeds using herbicides. This factsheet explains how to use herbicides effectively and the limitations and benefits of herbicide use.
A cropping calendar is a plan of the rice growing season from the fallow period and land preparation, to crop establishment through to harvest and storage. This factsheets guides you the process of preparing a crop calender.
Cultural weed control is an option to control weeds without the use of chemicals. This factsheet explains how to use cultural methods effectively with its limitations and benefits.
DSR is an alternative crop establishment method for rice where seeds are sown directly without raising them in a nursery. This brochure explains the benefits of this method.
DSR is an alternative crop establishment method for rice where seeds are sown directly without raising them in a nursery. This brochure explains the benefits of this method.
DSR is an alternative crop establishment method for rice where seeds are sown directly without raising them in a nursery. This brochure explains the benefits of this method.
DSR is an alternative crop establishment method for rice where seeds are sown directly without raising them in a nursery. This factsheet explains the technique of DSR for the Indo Gangetic Plains.