Alkalinity impairs plant growth by obstructing root development and restricting water supply to the roots. This leads to various nutrient deficiencies
Aluminum toxicity in soil inhibits the growth of plant shoots by causing nutrient deficiencies in Magnesium, Calcium, and Phosphorus
Lack of Boron affects the plant's biological processes. This can cause rolled leaves, death of growing points, reduced plant height, and even inability to produce panicles
Boron toxicity is a rare condition that usually occurs during dry season when there is high boron content in groundwater
Calcium deficiency results in impaired root function. It can also lead to Iron toxicity
Copper deficiency affects photosynthesis and respiration. This can lead to sterility of spikelets and many unfilled grains
Herbicide toxicity leads to poor crop emergence, root damage, and possibly whiteheads
Iron deficient crops are not able to produce enough amounts of chlorophyll. Infected plants are usually yellow in color
Iron toxicity can occur when large amounts of iron accumulate after flooding. It targets the roots and causes leaves to bronze and dry up
Magnesium deficiency affects several enzyme activities in plants and may reduce grain quality
Manganese deficiency affects photosynthesis and protein synthesis
Manganese toxicity affects the plants' metabolic processes which can lead to sterility in plants
N deficiency affects all the parameters contributing to yield: be familiarized with the symptoms and prevent it
When plants receive too much nitrogen, they become more attractive to insects and diseases
Phosphorus deficiency affects tillering, root development, early flowering, and ripening
Potassium deficiency affects photosynthesis. Affected crops are usually short and discolored
Silicon deficiency affects the development of strong leaves, stems, and roots
Sulfur deficiency affects chlorophyll production, protein synthesis, and plant function and structure
Sulfide toxicity reduces nutrient uptake of plants by reducing root respiration
Zinc deficiency affects several biochemical processes in the rice plant, thus severely affecting plant growth
IRRI Super Bag
IRRI Rice Quality Assessment Kit
Rice Doctor
Crop Manager
Leaf Color Chart
IRRI Moisture Meter
Drying systems
Harvesting systems
Drying basics
Harvesting costs
Drying strategies
The Solar Bubble Dryer
See more videos on the IRRI RKB YouTube Channel