Replanted areas

What it does


When fields experience many replanting, plants tend to have different maturity rates, grain filling and moisture content at the time of harvest.

Direct losses of seeds can be due to shattering or lower head rice recovery at milling.

Why and where it occurs

The problem arises when there are problems in planting or crop establishment, such as low seed rate, poor seed quality, poor seed distribution or the loss of plants due to pests such as rats, snails or birds, or problems of crop emergence in direct seeded fields due to low spots or seed too deep, or a clogged seeder, etc.

How to identify

  • Plants in replanted areas have different heights and are at slightly different stages of development.
  • The general pattern shows patches across the field (often low spots or high spots where there were problems of crop establishment).

To confirm field problem, compare plants. Check or ask the farmer about crop establishment and the extent of replanting and when the field was replanted.

Why is it important

Many crops throughout Asia have parts of the field replanted. The differences in growth and maturity can have implications upon harvesting and in postharvest processes.

How to manage

  • Ensure good seed quality, good water management and land leveling.
Contributors: J Rickman and M Bell